Hypoallergenic Clean Healthy dog food, balanced nutrition for dogs.
Louis and Phoebe Healthy Dog food Fish and Rice sensitive tummies and itchy skin
When it comes to our beloved dogs, we always want to ensure that they receive the best possible nutrition. Among all the dog foods available on the market Louis and Phoebe Healthy dog food Fish and Rice stands out for its high-quality ingredients and health benefits. If you're considering a change in your dog's diet or simply curious about what makes this food a top choice, read on to discover why this formulation could be the perfect match for your pup. Louis and Phoebe Healthy Dog Food is a premium dog food and is ideal for dogs that have itchy skin, sensitive tummies or allergies. Made in New Zealand, Louis and Phoebe healthy dog food is one of the cleanest, healthiest dog foods using the best quality organic natural ingredients. It is excellent for dogs with special dietary requirements, specially formulated for dogs with pancreatic and liver problems, it is very low-fat at only 9%. A hypoallergenic developed food formulated by removing almost all allergens that flare up itchy skin and upset tummies. Made daily in New Zealand it is fresher and better for your dog. Louis and Phoebe dog food was formulated in conjunction with MAF for their working dogs. Thoroughly tested by Massey University to meet and exceed AFFCO International standards, our Louis and phoebe dog food is comparable, if not better than, than the top vet-recommended brands; Why would you buy dog food from over sea’s when you can buy New Zealand made.
NO NASTIES which means no preservatives, flavourings, colourants or additives.
Made from wild-caught fish free from heavy metals.
High quality, no saturated fats and is suitable for dogs with pancreatitis.
Complete hypoallergenic food for itchy dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes.
Nutrient-dense; glucosamine for healthy joints, the correct balance of omega 3 & omega 6, prebiotics, chelated minerals and antioxidants.
Excellent for healthy coats and overall condition improvement from weepy eyes, smelly breath, oily skin, and flaky skin.
Eliminates tear staining. stops dogs itching is good for dogs with Pancreatitis and helps with liver function.
Contains omega 3 & omega 6
Garlic, Kelp, Oregano & Rosemary
No artificial colours or flavours
No preservatives
Wheat and GE Free
Ingredients:- Fish Meal (a natural source of glucosamine ) rice, ground maize, fish oil (preserved with vitamins citric acid and rosemary) flaxseed meal, kelp, natural probiotics for healthy digestion, garlic, salt, natural mould inhibitor, chelated minerals.
Fish and Rice AME 3351kcal/kg
Protein min % 26.0 Vitamins (min) iu/kg of dog biscuit
Fat min % 9.0
Linoleic Acid min %. 1.0 Vitamin A . 10000
Fibre Max % 4.0 . Vitamin D 1000
Moisture max % 10.0 Vitamin E 100
Calcium Phosphorus ratio 1.7:1 Vitamin (min) mg/kg of dog biscuit
Sodium min % 0.3 . Vitamin K 1.9
Chloride min % 0.44 Vitamin C . 6.25
Potassium min % 0.5 Vitamin B1 . 3.75
Magnesium 0.2 Vitamin B . 7.5 Vitamin B6 3.75 Vitamin B12 0.038
Mineral (min) mg/kg of dog biscuit
Iron 125 Niacin 25
Copper 10 Pantothenic Acid 12.5
Manganese 6.25 Folic acid . 0.6.25
Zinc . 156 Biotin 0.15
Cobalt 2.5 . Choline 1200
Iodine 1.9 Amino Acid mg/kg
Selenium 0.25 Taurine 500
Where can I buy Louis and Phoebe Healthy dog food?
21a St Heliers Bay Rd, St Heliers Auckland NZ